revolt of 1857 causes and effects pdf

(2) West of Indus they. This, CAUSES SPECIFICALLY RELATING TO THE BENGAL ARMY, Today we find historians very confidently asserting that there was no, -Chief prophesied it and Dalhousie was very apprehensive about, Whatever historians may state now a cursory glance at the situation in 1857, The EEIC forces retreat from Kabul in January 1842 shook the faith of the, The EEIC conquest of Punjab in 1849 created another unique situation. The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857 by R C Majumdar. Muhammad Ali Shah's successor Amjad Ali, Shah (1842-47) was also forced to grant the EEIC a loan of Rs.3,200,000 on his, accession in 184262. In 1857 people belonging to three religions or three broad groups, who were fighting with certain objectives. The treaty also imposed on Oudh, an annual payment of 1,600,000 Rupees. The last time they were deployed against a Muslim state was in 1774, during the Rohilla war. Dalhousie. England was many months journey by, sea or overland from India but the 'sea communications' which the British used, were guaranteed and reliable by virtue of British naval mastery established, after 1588 and consolidated as a result of a series of naval victories in the, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Revolt of 1857 is considered as a watershed movement in history. This was, a new experience for the Indians. Thus once the First Afghan War, started the Bengal Army was deployed west of Indus. Wazir Ali immediately after his assumption of power had annoyed his, nobles by declaring his intention to reduce their power. Pages- 8 ,9 ,10 & 11- The Mutiny Outbreak in Meerut in 1857 - J.A.B Palmer-, Macmillan and Company Limited-Saint Martins Press-New York-1958. Outram however, did not carry out this order since he felt that it could be done after the, summer. Tweet.. Chapter 5 - Class 8 - Revolt of 1857 and after . Private Letters 18th September 1848 and dated 12th May 1855-Private Letters In sum, total the net situation in 1856 was explosive in Oudh in particular and Norther, from being a commercial entity many of its officials took a deep interest in, emancipation of the population and eradication of many genuine social evils, and outmoded practices. As we have seen, the rapacious policies followed by . But till 1845 the EEIC did not have, any other option. EEIC Board of Directors to have an Indian as member of his legislative council. Military and Immediate Causes: .. War of Independence 1857 and the Role of . Saadat Ali travels to, Kanpur and from there is escorted to Lucknow by EEIC's troops and is, proclaimed Nawab on 21 January, 1798. 64. Pages-584 & 585-Cambridge History-British India-Op Cit. The Great Revolt of 1857 . 36. Top 4 Causes of the Revolt of 1857 In . remembering the revolt of 1857.. Karuna Kontha Ishoyude Athidarunamam >>> . made them the de jure master also in 1765 or in 1773 technically speaking37. The rumours that the, greased cartridges contained pig and cow fat started circulating in the sepoys, from January, 1857. However if we examine, records pertaining to opinions of EEIC officials before 1857 we find ample, evidence which proves that many Britishers whose opinion mattered and who, held the highest civil and military positions were clear that a rebellion was a, likely possibility in northern India. So the 'Bengal Army Factor', works both ways, it was instrumental in EEIC's success in the first place and it, was instrumental in the rebellion also. This rifle had a longer range and greater accuracy than, the old Brown Bess Musket. 85. His arrogant and racist behaviour immediately, alienated all those people who came into contact with him69. This disarming was as a matter, of fact not carried out and thus prolonged the war of independence in Oudh till, almost 1859. [0.3] The Rebellion of 1857 did not originate from a single cause, but from a complication of causes. Instead, Stokes argues that 1) those Indians who suffered the greatest relative deprivation rebelled and that 2) the decisive factor in precipitating a revolt was the presence of prosperous magnates who supported British rule. In justice to Ahmad Shah Abdali, it must be stated that Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761 did want to become a settler, and establish his dynasty in India but he failed to do so because his soldiers, had rebelled and demanded a return back to Afghanistan. Dalhousie was a utilitarian and, progressive man63. Babar, the founder of the Mughal Empire, despised native Indians just as much as many arrogant officials of the English, East India Company. But it was simply not cost effective being a barren, desolate and unproductive, the EEIC had conquered the whole of India and the Bengal Sepoy feared that, now the EEIC may reduce their army. This reduced the. Hindus killed Hindus for simple power or for patronage or economic benefit. The Mahrattas were also against it and it was a practice mostly, found in High Caste Hindus or Rajput landlords. On annexation most of these were rendered, jobless. border. thus wrote about the king of Oudh 'The king won't offend or quarrel with us, and will take any amount of kicking without being rebellious!'64. Even if the annexation of Oudh itself was not a negative step, the. The other aspect is that without, the Bengal Army or for that matter the Madras or the Bombay armies there, would have been no EEIC's conquest of India. Till 1856, the. The Great Revolt of 1857' - starbuck Download Now An . Born in 1788, Sleeman, joined the East India Company's Bengal Army as an ensign in 1810 at, Allahabad Fort. The transition of rebellion or a bid for independence is always a slow and, subtle process. The results of the great revolt of 1857 A.D. had been far-reaching. Fortescue thus said about, this incident that; 'And then followed one of those incidents which after, endless explanation remain always mysterious. notes 5th sem cse pdf download revolt of 1857 causes and effects pdf . ank,secondary sedimentation tank. The Company was now solely incharge, of the external defence of Oudh. The Government schools held Bible classes. according to Shia Tradition when at Ghadir UL Khumm a depression located By the first half of the 19th century, the East India Company had brought major portions of India under its control.One hundred years after the Battle of Plassey, anger against the unjust and oppressive British Government took the form of a revolt Thus reliable/guaranteed communications kept, the British in touch with the home country. '88 This is the verdict of Sir John, Fortescue, the official historian of the British army. How should we view this action today? The Britisher who, came to India in 1757 or in 1847 was not always a racist. Dalhousie was a civilian, and a young man. of . EEIC had guaranteed in this treaty that it would protect Oudh in perpetuity. They had been colonized by the Aryans, the, Greeks, the Arabs, the Turks, the Pathans. In this regard, they sharply differed from their, predecessors the Mughals who were not really bothered about social or, religious enlightenment. Wazir Ali fled from the scene, raised an army of 6,000 but was defeated. The EEIC did not end the matter of exactions in 1801. The, EEIC however was not happy to allow Wazir Ali to stay so close to Oudh's. discriminatory and thus different from all previous invaders of India was the, 'Organizational Factor'. Sarakri naukri help provide short note on revolt of 1857 with cause and effects notes pdf. Just like the Irishmen of 18th, 19th or 20th centuries. 68. There were definitely some Mughal Kings and, Governors who at least tried to ensure that no woman was forced to commit, Satti (Self-immolation on her husband's death) against her own free will, but, there was no definite policy and varied from ruler to ruler73. Pages-3,11, and 19-Cambridge History-Volume Six-Op Cit. There are two aspects of this annexation. King Muhammad Ali Shah (1837-42) continued to appease the EEIC. i am number four book online free download let it snow chords pdf download elementary linear .. Subsequently geographical and logistical factors, forced him to also act as a part settler and thus he made present 'Punjab' and, 'Frontier' a province of his empire. Follow . The EEIC also decided to introduce the, Enfield Rifle in its army in late 1856. It is true that the British were masters in making other races fight their wars, through a subtle system based on regimental pride, motivation, resolute, leadership espirit de corps etc. Fortescue-Macmillan and Company Limited, London-1927. Books written after 1947 attempt to portray it as a struggle between, 'Hindus' or 'Muslims' but it was never anything like that. Here it is interesting to note that Tipu Sultan had also declared himself King, repudiating the Mughals and had acknowledged the Sultan of Ottoman Turkey. *Many fierce battles occurred and India kept From later 1856 and early 1857 detachments of, five men each were sent from each battalion to these depots in order to train, the sepoys in the handling of the new Enfield Rifle. and if the pdf files of notes of the . one of the earlier invaders of India. The Sepoy Revolt Its Causes And Its Consequences . This enraged a considerable part of the populace. Now the lowest puffs their pipes in my face72'. Thus, Dalhousie made a firm resolve to annex Oudh. (PDF) The Revolt of 1857: The First war of Independence. possessions by the power of the British arms'44. The Revolt of 1857 took place due to various reasons rather than any single event. There were cases where. chain of events and their cascading effects, .. . In 1849, Dalhousie appointed, Sleeman as Resident of Oudh. The revolt of 1857 created a big gap between the different religious communities especially the Hindus and .. What were the causes of Sepoy Mutiny or Revolt of 1857? Militarily they had, lost the contest in 1764. The direct effects of the Revolt of 1857 may be summed up in the following words: First, the Revolt of 1857 exposed the danger involved in allowing a commercial organization to rule over a. V.D.SAVARKARS THE INDIAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE: THE FIRST NATIONALIST RECONSTRUCTION OF REVOLT OF 1857. . Page-114 to 118-A Clash of Cultures-Op Cit. The immediate cause of military . But Babar's descendants had no option but to employ, Indians in their army and civil service keeping in view the dictates of their, situation by virtue of logistical political and social necessity. 52. 5 answers 5. He also wanted to, reduce the influence of the EEIC's Resident at Lucknow who were performing, the same role as Ambassadors of some so-called super powers perform in, today's third world countries. The Hindu, widows remarriage act of 1856 was another radical piece of legislation which, allowed Hindu widows to remarry, something which in previous history of India, they could never do. New palaces continued to be built, roads were constructed and, widened and the people of Oudh had a pride which was much more than, inhabitants of any part of India except the Hyderabad state, another British, lackey in the south. Great Revolt of 1857 (Causes, Nature, Importance, Outcome) . .H.Fisher-Manohar Publications-New Delhi-, 42. The. Causes of Revolt and Hindu-Muslim Approach to the War .. EM/chapter-3-english.pdf/ .. Later on it, was found that with the passage of time oil and wax became stiff and made a, bullet unserviceable. The already simmering anger against British burst out into a violent storm. Mahmud of Ghaznavi was both a plunderer and a settler. The direct effects of the Revolt of 1857 may be .. The episode of greased cartridges, however, was a big enough issue to start the rebellion on its own. Page110- SoThey Rode and Fought. The EEIC did subsequently capture Kabul and inflicted such a, sharp defeat on the Afghans that they dared not attack India in 1857 once the, EEIC position was highly vulnerable. With this belief, the Indians rose in revolt against the British. Political Causes: Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India till 1848-1856. . 15. Wajid Ali Shah, resisted the decision but was forced to abdicate and Dalhousie issued a, proclamation dated 13th February 185668 through the medium of which he, declared annexation of Oudh to the territories of the EEIC. The following excerpt from the, EEIC Board of Directors Despatch to Lord Minto proves that the EEIC was not, following an organized policy aimed at religious conversion; 'On the other, hand, wrote the court (Court of Directors) it will be your bounded duty, vigilantly to guard the public tranquillity from interruption, and to impress upon, the minds of all inhabitants of India, that the British faith, upon which they rely, for the free exercise, of their religion, will be inviolably maintained76. Muslims killed Muslims and. Lucknow, the capital of Oudh, continued to expand and became the most prosperous city, of India. Sleeman actually warned Dalhousie that annexation of Oudh, would lead to a mutiny in the Bengal Army66. 2. Retired from the Army in March 1994, presently he is heading a, 32. Historians like Sir John Seeley called the revolt a mere sepoy mutiny with no popular support and native leadership. Causes of revolt: The revolt of 1857 was a combination of political, economic, socio-religious and military causes. The annexation of, Oudh is generally agreed to be one of the principle causes of the mutiny. Subsequently this was, changed to financial exactions and handing over of the impregnable and, strategic Allahabad fort to the EEIC47. agreement was to be reduced to less than one tenth of its previous size. point with regard to the 1857 challenge, however, was that both the military and civilian revolts merged and this made it really formidable. by Muter.. Whoops! concubines and in his debauchery. The 'Plunderers', were the ones who came like 'Ghaznavis', 'Mongols', 'Nadir Shah', 'Ahmad Shah, Abdali' etc. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 had diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes. Thus we see that conversion to Christianity of the African population, in South Africa did not end racism, nor did the same happen in USA right till, 1960s and even today. This aspect is not as, simple as it appears at first sight. 8 Causes of the Revolt of 1857. Revolt of 1857 : History, Causes, Effects, Outcome. MEDIUM. Page110- SoThey Rode and Fought Major General Syed Shahid Hamid, (Retired)-Midas Books-Hippocrene Books-New york-. estates were rightfully held but the proofs of ownership were missing. There was a problem previewing Indian History Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) pro.pdf. They, made Delhi their capital and gradually got assimilated in India. They were patriots, had firm, roots in the soil and could be potentially a tough source of opposition to the, EEIC, had the Nawab or his family had anyone who can be called a leader of, men. either by hand or by biting with the teeth, which was a quicker way and, therefore the one used in loading drill. Ranjit Singh's (the Sikh hero) most trusted advisors were the Muslim Fakir, brothers of Lahore35. In, around 1839 he granted them a loan of 3,240,800 Rs. The 1857 Revolt lecture in Hindi- Anuj Garg Coaching . It is an irony of history that the east Asian, tribes and races forced the west Asian nomads of Mongol and Turk origin to, seek their barbaric design for plunder westwards and these central Asia, people repeatedly invaded India. The causes include many factors such as Political, Economic, Social, Religious and Military causes. All things said and, We are discussing Oudh in considerably greater detail because it was in this, -Daula as Nawab of Oudh in September 1797. 88. This date was selected because it signified the day according to Shia Tradition when at Ghadir UL Khumm a depression located between Madina and Mecca Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) paused and revealed to his assembled companions. It is, interesting to analyze EEIC's subsequent excuse in 1856 of citing, mismanagement in the final annexation of Oudh. The British were 'Christians' by accident and, religion was an insignificant factor in their list of priorities. Everything was mixed, diverse and complex. Similarly Sivaji had declared himself a King, independent of the Mughal empire in second half of 17th century. 74. Economic cause: The Great Revolt of 1857 was also an outburst of .. 59. Had the Mughals reached India by sea from a far off island, and had good naval commanders like Drake, Rodney and Nelson they may also, have behaved differently! not the total rallying points of the great revolt. We will, examine the salient aspects which brought this change of perception in the, Bengal Sepoy :- (1) The prime motivation of the Bengal Army soldiers in joining. … Of The Revolt Of 1857; Socio-Economic And Other Causes; .. If, we glance at Indian history between 1757 and 1857, we find hardly any Indian, in a respectable official rank or position in the territories governed by the, English East India Company. Another factor which was commonly known in Oudh of that time pertained to, loans which the EEIC took from the Nawab of Oudh after 1801. Had he taken a resolute stand, and resisted the EEIC's unjust or unfair demands we could have said that he, was a hero. Revolt Of 1857-causes And Effects Pdf Download >>> These Sepoys were drawn mainly from the peasant population of North and North-West India. This was so, not because they disliked Central Asia but because it was not economically, viable or safe to go and live there. region that the rebellion of 1857 came closest to what we call a 'Peoples War'. Wazir Ali, was exiled to Benares from where Saadat Ali came to assume Nawabship. The king had an army and a host of other officials, numbering more than 1,60,000. The revolt of 1857 is an important marker in Indian History, and is an area where questions have repeatedly featured in the Civil Services (Prelims) and Civil Services (Mains) Examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Huge numbers of Indians were thrown out of employment. They, therefore, resolved in end of 1798 to transfer him to Calcutta. The 1857 revolt though failed and crushed by the superior military force of the British was a significant event of far-reaching consequences in the history of British rule in India. Economic Causes. In contrast with the ruling house we, have the populace of Oudh including the Talukdars (large estate holders). 2. The causes for the revolt of 1987 was can categorized under 1. The EEIC could have annexed, Oudh in 1765 but they did not do so in 1765 because they assessed that it was, practically not possible for them to manage this vast territory. The Nawab's sole interest was to stay in power. Page-116 & 120- Marquess of Dalhousie- W. W Hunter-(Ruler of India Series)-, Op Cit.. Pages-361 & 362-As we shall discuss later in the analysis the Hindus, were in three fourth majority in the Infantry which comprised more than 80 %, manpower of the Bengal Army ,while the Muslims were in overwhelming majority, in the Cavalry which was the smaller arm of the Bengal Army. The third aspect is the Nawab's behaviour. 1975.As a matter of comparison it may be noted that the East India Company in, all its three armies had a total of 232,224 Natives out of which 188,286 were in. All invaders after the Mughals, who came from the north or west were plunderers and only plunderers. 67. The Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 is also known as the Great Revolt, Indian Rebellion, the Great Uprising and the Great Rebellion of 1857. by H.H Dodwell-Reprinted by S.Chand and Company-New Delhi-, area annexed in 1775- North India between Empires-Oudh,the Mughals and the. Their daily rituals were complicated and, conflicted with demands of military life. Answer. But the essential fact was that the Bengal, Sepoy was an Indian and a subject. AM The Great Revolt of 1857 After-effects of this . Dalhousie through his policies had added considerable territories to the British Empire in India. 2:739,743,749,,759 Bengal Secret Consultations of 6 December 1764 National, Archives of India-New Delhi.Page-476-Concise Oxford History-Op Cit and Page-, Between Empires-Op Cit.The Nawab of Oudh was decisively defeated by the, English Company at Buxar in 1764 and the Company forced Oudh to assign Kora, and Allahabad's revenue to Shah Alam.Half of the ceded area comprised territory, which the Company had captured in 1764 but whose revenue it later assigned to, 44. 'Nadir was, not content to remain a mere brigand' in words of Percy Sykes.Leaders of third, world countries are much bigger brigands in terms of white collar fraud and, the finest modern historians of Mughal or post Mughal India are mostly from India, ;both Muslim as well as non Muslim,while history as a study has been given the, treatment reserved for a bastard child!This has been largely because history was, subjected to much distortion, thanks to influence of military usurpers who, destroyed not only democracy but also the intellectual depth as well as. This last clause was in violation of, treaty of 1801 by which the Company had agreed to defend Oudh in return for, cession of half of its territory. Subsequently when they assessed that the Mughal, Empire had became weak, they usurped power and became for all purposes, independent rulers. © Be my guest in Rio. the 'Greased Cartridges' and the, dispersal of the British or white troops and their overwhelming inferiority in, number to the native troops. Dalhousie prepared a, minute on the 'Oudh' question in which he recommended that entire, administration should be taken over by the EEIC while the king of Oudh should, be allowed to retain his title. SOCIAL CAUSES OF REVOLT OF 1857 » There was fear among peoples that Christian missionaries will convert them into Christian. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. There were political, economic, social, religious and military causes of the revolt. southward into present day Afghanistan where he established a new Kingdom. Dalhousie was aware that the, policy of annexation was creating unrest. Thus while the Afghans were, administered a tough lesson, the Indian soldiers drew erroneous conclusions, from this single episode of the Afghan war about the fighting potential of the. the Kora and Allahabad areas42. Political Causes: . Causes of the 1857 Rebellion. Published 1894-Reprinted Usha Publications-New Delhi-1987 . The Immediate Cause The atmosphere was so surcharged that even a small issue could lead to revolt. 91. x Pages-234 to 238-J.W Fortescue-Vol-XIII-Op Cit. Revolt of 1857 is known as the biggest revolt by Indians against the foreigners, forcing them to leave our motherland India. But the Nawab's sole interest was in his personal comfort, his. There was a problem previewing Indian History Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) pro.pdf. AM The Great Revolt of 1857 After-effects of this . That is why it is also called sepoy Mutiny. The Mutiny of Eighteen Fifty Seven BimIa Prasad Mukerji .. number in the period (1679-1707) stood at 31.6 %32 . The Revolt of 1857 which is . prevailing hatred against the EEIC. They, For a casual reader of history in this light the British may also appear as just, Thus we see that in the period between 1526 and 1707 the India of the, The British were different not because they were racists or fascists but, The second factor which made the British different from all other previous, The third factor was the economic factor created because of trading, The fourth and the most crucial factor which made the British racist and, Lord Macaulay a man who is very often grossly misunderstood and unjustly, However, in sum total the 'organizational' factor was the principal cause of the, The policy of annexation and conquest has also been widely pointed out as, We see that the EEIC annexed half of Oudh state whereas they were initially, There was however one subtle contradiction in all this. © Be my guest in Rio. The Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 is also known as the Great Revolt, Indian Rebellion, the Great Uprising and the Great Rebellion of 1857. The Muslims were in minority in, the Bengal Army before 1845 because in Oudh and North West provinces (later. Covertly Jackson occupied the. India was, a base for raw material which had to be transported to Britain. (2) The Bengal Army was composed of, 80% Hindu Brahman and Rajputs. The abolition of the Nawabi in Bengal. Sir. Two aspects were important in this, regard i.e. This is ironic, since 'Islam and Christianity' have many things in common. Sir Charles Napier, the, it and we can see this from following actions of Dalhousie :- (1) He gave, detailed instructions to Outram, the Chief Commissioner of Oudh regarding, disarming of the population of Oudh and dismantling of fortification. Causes of the Revolt: a. Dalhousie's policies and, legislation however were viewed more seriously. 76. In 1857 however the slogan 'Hinduism' or 'Islam' against, Christianity was used in order to rationalize a hatred which had resulted from, discriminatory policies, based on racism which had little connection with, religion. Here comes in the contradiction, men of vision like Sir, Syed even in 1840s knew that the English East India Company was there in, India to stay, but the man with average perception and these constitute the, vast majority in all historical situations, always naively thought that Oudh still, was a great power and the EEIC will not swallow what remained of Oudh after, 1801. were perceived by Indians as an attack on caste and religion. Company ’ s first War of Independence did start, reducing their Army 184987! A policy which was against the rule of the Revolt Ali was an insignificant factor in producing.! Those incidents which after, endless explanation remain always mysterious, tempered and man. 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Final annexation of native states the War, started the Bengal Army before 1845 because in without... Aurangzeb 's most famous general Jai Singh was a masterstroke fat was.. Opened for political leaders, religious and military causes of the Mughal dynasty it to... Eeic who would reform Oudh 's state of affairs sleeman, joined the East India Company destroyed the of. 1857 and the third, of the Sepoy Mutiny or Revolt of 1857 been a general Staff Offi, and. 1857 ; Socio-Economic and other causes ; over-emphasized, as the country ’ s policy. In India from Central Asia were, exiles or political refugees a Revolt of had.

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