hybrid coconut tree yield per year

11. It’s a general purpose hybrid coconut seedling. Suitable for large scale plantations. The trees yield around 250 tender coconuts per tree / year and I have got approx. Where pure Dwarf varieties have 25 to 30 years only. Some nursery are selling spurious coconut seedlings ..These days men power has become costly and trained labor was not available ..so the dwarf coconut trees are planted among the tall coconut trees and are allowed natural cross pollination through winds and insects ..Most of the cases , not all the nuts are fertilized and nuts collected are sown in nursery and sold as hybrid..So the it needs utmost care while selecting hybrid coconut seedlings .. 1.To increase number of fruits per tree per year. Immediately after opening of sheath ( spadix that covers inflorescence ) the male flowers only at the top most start producing and shedding pollen ( male part of flowers necessary for fertilization ) and other male flowers below produce pollen successively downward and this continues ( downward from top to bottom ) shedding pollen for over 3 weeks .. Only after all the pollen grain is produced and lost , the female flowers will become mature and receptive ..so the male flowers could not fertilize the female flowers in the same inflorescence..Hence out breeding and outsourcing of pollen from other coconut plants are needed, Here to assist out breeding ( cross pollination ) the plant needs assistance of winds and insects mainly Bees ..the wind helps only to the certain extent say 10-20% and most of the cross pollination is effected by bees …, Generally every inflorescence produce 40 to 60 female flowers in 13 to 17 spadix in a coconut tree but mostly one third of female flowers sets in fruits ie.,13 to 20 in each bunch . The PCA’s findings (2 010) revealed a coconut annual productivity per ha with moderate fertilizer application of coconut trees in a monocropping system (o nly coconut grown) usually achieved a fairly good yield of 8,000 nuts/ha (e quivalent to 2 tons copra). Dwarf Vs Tall hybrid can be resorted to increase the single tree yield .. The Farm was started in 1990's by the late honorable Thiru R.Gunabalan BA.LL.B. support@nanjilnursery.com. Fertilization of Coconuts. — Rajendran, Aliyar. The average yield per hectare varies from 10,000 to 14,000 nuts per annum. Annual production of seedlings - 100000 nuts. The crown of healthy coconut bears 20 to 35 leaves ( fronds ) and each frond measures 25 to 30 feet long ..so we give 30 feet spacing between 2 coconut plants .. The spacing to be considered while planting the sapling should be 25*25 feet between each plant. So, add about 30 to 40 kg of organic manure depending on the soil fertility and productivity to each of the palms at every year in the beginning of monsoon. Scientists explain that replanting would increase output by 50 to 100 per cent within a few years with a mature palm producing as many as 400 nuts a year. In case of Dwarf varieties that is predominantly self pollinated ( imbreeding ) ..the female and male flowers mature simultaneously ( 90 % self pollination ) and inflorescence produce more flowers say 60 to 120 and also more numbers of spadix per year..The dwarf coconut varieties produces more leaves ( fronds ) and bunches in rapid succession that even the pollen produced in the successive bunches can fertilize the female flowers in the lower bunches in the same coconut tree ..This is the reason why the dwarf coconut variety produces more nuts / fruits per tree per year ..40 fruits per bunch ..for 17 bunches ( dwarf under ideal condition produce more bunches and more leaves ) in a year it is 40 * 17=680 fruits / nuts per tree..Even it produces 1000 fruits / nuts although the size of the fruits are medium to small depending on the number of fruits per tree.. All the farmers have got good … This is a unique short variety coconut tree, which gives a yield up to 350 nuts per year. Ramganga is a high quality planting material suitable for modern coconut farming. It is a general purpose hybrid. In the world 95 % of the coconut are Tall varieties and only 5% are dwarf varieties that are Niu Leha, Village Dwarf ,Malayan or Nias Dwarf ..Srilankan Dwarf , Chowghat orange Dwaf ( India ). Nut yield (No’s per tree per each year) Harvesting Start in 1: Hybrid variety: 100: 3 to 4 year: 2: Tall variety: 65 to 75: 6 year: 3: Dwarf (tender coconut) variety: 75 to 85: 5 year Hybrid variety. Life period of coconut tree for commercial economic coconut cultivation is 50 to 60 years that is acquired from Tall coconut tree that lives up to 100 years. In other words, they consist of male and female flowers on the same inflorescence (spadix) that develops within a woody spathe. Produces 275 t0 325 tender coconut and 225 to 275 coconuts per year. Suitable for home gardens. How many coconuts one can get from a fully matured (say 15 years of age) coconut tree? The Deejay Sampoorna® Hybrid Coconut is the result of more than 25 years of research. Even if one is willing to correct the planting mistakes, it would have been 4-5 years along before any serious crop production issues are detected. ¾Very high nut yield - 25,000 - 30,000 nuts per hectare per year ¾Versatile in usage - tender nuts for drinking, ripe nuts for desiccated coconut, coconut milk and cream, copra etc. The number of coconuts for hybrid coconut tree shall give 250 coconuts per tree per year leading to an annual production of 1 to 17,000 coconuts per acre. Distance between fronds are far, because of this tree trunk growth is fast. It takes about a year for the coconuts to … Please do realize I am not talking about any latest hybrids but 15 year old plants. In this case the West Coast Tall acts as the Female and the Chawaghad Orange Dwarf acts as the Male. 15,00,000+ coconut plants in Kanyakumari have been planted through our Nursery. While a hybrid coconut seedling costs Rs. I have recommended your Deejay hybrid Seedlings to other farmers and got 40,000 Deejay hybrid seedlings and given to them. All rights reserved. Besides the above , other factors also control yield of the coconut tree like. 1. Nanjil Nursery Depending on the variety of the coconut trees, the male and female flowers develop at same or different times. Furthermore is it possible to get 250 plus coconuts from 15 year old tree? It yields very early, flowering in two years, conservatively producing 250 mature nuts per palm per year (some farmers report far higher numbers). That’s all folks about the cultivation of hybrid coconut and planting methods. support@nanjilnursery.com, For Business Tie-up and other enquiries: Vaikundapathi, Pottayadi Post The Deejay Sampoorna hybrid is the result of more than 25 years of research. Copra content will be around 16 -18 kgs for 100 nuts. It is a dwarf plant, producing coconuts with a jelly-like flesh of sweet and nutty flavor, used in preparing beverages and desserts like pastries. In result of the flower of Yazhpanam (Tall) variety mixes with COD (Dwarf)flower naturally by honeybees this pollination happens and that results in forming a new breed D x T, however the productivity is very less in natural pollination. Tender coconut contains 500 -750ml of coconut water. Hybrid variety Hybrid Dwarf Coconut Tree. Almost all of the Tall varieties are cross –pollinator ( out breeder ) and dwarf varieties are imbreeder ( self pollinator ) except Niu Leha that is cross pollinator .. Income from Intercropping and coconut = 114000+19200 1,33,200 … karthick@nanjilnursery.com, For Business Tie-up and other enquiries 1.Temprature -21- 27 degree Celsius ideal but even grows well in temperature 25 to 36 but certainly temperature beyond 37 degree Celsius will have its negative impact on yield and also cool season with temperature below 21 degree Celsius affect yield .. And most essentially micro nutrients like Boron ( the deficiency of which make the female flowers that produce fruits/ nuts fall down easily by cutting and closing the root canal supplying water and nutrients from mother trunk to newly formed and fertilized female flowers and also poor kernel setting and oil .. Next Zinc, Copper ( the deficiency of which reduce fronds growth and development that looks bluish yellow and wavy ), Molybdenum and chlorine also most important in coconut plant physiology …, Last but not the least , the altitude – The coconut can grow upto 1000 MSL above the limit it grows but does not produce yield ..Because every 100 meters increase in altitude the temperatures goes down by 0.6 degree Celsius ..If plain land temperature is 27 degree Celsius , the temperature at an altitude 1000 MSL will be 21 degree Celsius below which the yield of coconut will be less or nil …. This is one of the Hybrid Tall Variety Coconut saplings. The size of the nuts looks similar the size of COD but green in color with slight yellow shade, after dehusking the nut weights 600 grams at an average it gives maximum of 45 nuts in a … This is a unique short variety coconut tree, which gives a yield up to 350 nuts per year. Price of a poly bagged seedling 300/= Kapruwana. Given proper care and growing conditions, coconut palms produce their first fruit in six to ten years, taking 15 to 20 years to reach peak production. India – 629703, +91-99654 49862, +91-99526 48311 This variety is produced when the Flowers from dwarf plant (Chawaghad Orange Dwarf) gets cross pollinated with the tall variety (West Coast Tall). In order to meet the demands, we follow the same procedure by manually mixing the flowers to bring productivity, and we would like to clarify this is not a genetically changed breeds, this is a natural variety which gives the maximum. Coconut palms are the heavy feeder that is manuring is essential from the 1st year of planting on the field to obtain a higher nut production. Reach to the bearing stage with in 5-6 years. However, the kernel quality is excellent, and oil yield is good. Organic, Inorganic does not matter. Trees grown in proper conditions produce 50 coconuts or more annually and the tree flowers periodically throughout the year. Certified variety with red sticker. When tender nuts are harvested at 6.5 to 7 months of age, yields can increase by 30% and yields exceeding 400 nuts per palm are commonly reported to us. In terms of copra, this is average annual yield of 1.78 t/ha achievable by CSA over the unfertilized trees. The average yield is 123 nuts per palm per year under irrigated conditions with estimated copra out turn of 23 kg per palm per year. Any and all inputs will be greatly appreciated. On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30. We have farmers who have reported more than 400 nuts per year; If not for tender coconut, it can yield up to 250-300 nuts per year per tree. Hybrid of East coast tall and Malayan green dwarf, this hybrid tree starts producing fruits after 4-years and produces around 80-100 coconuts per palm each year. 3.To instill the characters like disease and drought tolerance and resistance etc.. DRIP and FERTIGATION in SUGARCANE CULTIVATION, AN ODC MORINGA VARIETY – NUTRITIOUS AND HIGH…, PAIRED ROW CULTIVATION OF SUGARCANE IN DRIP…, a) In the recent past one serious pest called Eriophyte mite devastated entire coconut plantation, b) Black headed caterpillar ( BHC ) that skeletanize the leaves by eating all the chlorophylls ( green part ) and makes coconut plants looks dry and withered canopy, c) Corid bugs that eats new female buttons that fall down, d) Rhinocerous beetles that cut tender leaves ( Zero leaves exactly at the growing point inside the crown of the growing coconut plants ), e) Stem weevil that feeds on the trunk making holes and splits that oozes gumming liquid, g) yellowing disease ( kind of mycoplasma ) that infect coconuts and is noticed and visible when the plants are totally sick and about to loose vigour and finally die, g) Nutrients – Major nutrients like Nitrogen, Phospohrus , Potash ( Kcl ) – Secondary nutrients like Calcium ( roots and crown development ) , Manesium ( fronds growth and development ) Sulphur ( the deficiency of sulphur will choke the crown and new leaves will not come out quickly and leaflets will not split away in the fronds ). As the branches in the Ramganga is so dense, there is no need for bunch tying. Reasons such as the decreasing yields, lack of commercial returns and problems like eriophid mite and black headed caterpillar menace are forcing coconut farmers to … This is a semi tall variety with sweet tender nut water and with higher resistance to root (wilt) disease of coconut. East Coast Tall. Soil is Suitable for Coconut Trees. Both these dwarf x tall hybrids have the following agronomic characteristics: ¾Robust & vigorous growth ¾Early bearing - commence flowering at 36 months and harvest at 48 months ¾Very high nut yield - 25,000 - 30,000 nuts per hectare per year ¾Versatile in usage - tender nuts for drinking, ripe nuts for desiccated coconut, coconut milk and cream, copra etc. Coconut palms can be classified according to the size and stature of the palm, and are referred to as Talls and Dwarfs. How many coconuts do you get in a tree per year? All the farmers have got good benefits and I … How much sunlight does a coconut tree need. However, a rainfall of about 2000 mm per year, well distributed throughout, is ideal for proper growth and maximum production. Production in the Philippines is generally concentrated in medium-sized farms. 10 years tree will grow 30 to 32 feet. Near Marunthuvazh Malai, Price of a poly bagged seedling 250/=. They are also monoecious. There are two ways of cross pollination one is done by honeybee, and the other done by us manually to meet the demands of the seedlings. The fruits of dwarf varieties are in different shades of color like green, orange, yellow and brown .. The coconut plant initiate flowering 1.5 to 2 years in advance before it is visible to human eyes after its emergence .. Every month one frond( leaf ) is produced accompanying with one spadix ( flower bunch ). Get latest info on Coconut Plants, hybrid coconut plant, Coconut Trees, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders, wholesale suppliers with Coconut Plants prices for buying. Currently, the average yield of coconut trees in the Philippines is 45 nuts per tree annually, which is below the 200 to 400 nuts per tree of countries like India and Brazil. India – 629703 10. Price of a poly bagged seedling 300/= CRISL 98. Last Updated on Friday, 02 October 2020 03:56 CRIC 65. +91 99526 48311 While the yields of rice and corn are gradually increasing, those for coconut trees remain anemic and disappointing. Generally every inflorescence produce 40 to 60 female flowers in 13 to 17 spadix in a coconut tree but mostly one third of female flowers sets in fruits ie.,13 to 20 in each bunch. Near Marunthuvazh Malai I have recommended your Deejay hybrid Seedlings to other farmers and got 40,000 Deejay hybrid seedlings and given to them. The coconut weight is about 800gms on a average. Yield 12000 nuts/ha/year. Rs.18 per coconut in the market. Income from coconut 5 nuts per bunch, 12 bunches per year in 80 tree Total number of nuts in 1 acre: (80 x 5 x 12) = 4800 nuts Rate of 1 nut =Rs.4 Income from nut = (4800 x 4 = 19,200) 19,200 . Yield 20000 nuts/ha/year. Its a high yielding hybrid. The short answer is that a coconut could be all three – a nut, seed, … Is Coconut a Fruit, Nut, or Seed? How much percentage of Oil content can be expected in Coconut Fruit? We are one of the leading Plant Nurseries in Kanyakumari. There are variety of coconut trees available in market. Answered October 29, 2018 Yield is a function of variety, climate, environment and management factors. Coconut production remains crucial for the Asia-Pacific region, but coconut yields are dropping with aging as a top factor. With proper care, a coconut palm tree will produce 50 to 200 fruit per year for up to 80 years, so learning about fertilizing coconut palm trees is of paramount importance for the longevity of the tree. The coconut can be used for Copra as well as tender coconut. AN INSIGHT INTO HYBRID COCONUT PLANTATION AND WAYS TO INCREASE THE YIELD OF FRUITS / NUTS. As the coconut tree is propagated by seed, they are subjected to some variations which can be distinguished in the trees, fruit… Contact:Mr.Karthick Lifetime of this variety is 45 years average. Generally female coconut tree used in breeding is dwarf coconut that looks orange, yellow that are controlled by recessive genes in homozygous condition ( rr is excessiveness and RR denoted as dominant ) ..when the dwarf coconut variety is bred with Tall coconut variety that generally looks green everywhere , the resulting hybrid will not show either orange or yellow color because the color will be disguished by dominant gene from Tall tree ( Rr genes ) ..Hence the Hybrid seedlings from the nursery can be selected by noting the color , stoutness of the crown , early splitting of leaflets and girth of seedlings that are significantly well formed and robust .Such a hybrid only can produce more yield per tree per year .. 6.The hybrid can tolerate or resist disease and drought that are mostly the characters acquired by tall tree growing in specific location and this characters can well be built up in new hybrids .. The Tall coconut varieties start producing inflorescence in 4.5 to 9 years after planting ,where as dwarf coconut varieties are producing inflorescence in 2-4 years after planting .. Planting and Management of Coconut Plantations Please Click Here for required page ' PUBLICATIONS --> ADVISORY CIRCULARS ' showing recommendations. Another tall variety of coconut with 65-68 % of oil content. However, the yield of the Malayan Tall is often times low; even on well managed plantations, yields are normally about 10,000 nuts per hectare per year, whereas the typical yield is closer to 3,000 nuts only! The coconut is the most important palm economically. This is a unique short variety coconut tree, which gives a yield up to 350 nuts per year. Copyright © 2019 Nanjil Nursery. Yield 12000 nuts/ha/year. 3.3K views The pit must be 2.5*2.5 in depth and width. +91 99654 49862 This is even more important when it comes to perennial tree crops such as coconuts, since once the coconut palm is planted it becomes a 25 to 30 year-long commitment. The PCA’s findings (2 010) revealed a coconut annual productivity per ha with moderate fertilizer application of coconut trees in a monocropping system (o nly coconut grown) usually achieved a fairly good yield of 8,000 nuts/ha (e quivalent to 2 tons copra). With live fencing (1,33,200-88740) 44,460.00 2. The size of the nuts looks similar the size of COD but green in color with slight yellow shade, after dehusking the nut weights 600 grams at an average it gives maximum of … Tapping of the emerging flower in each tree is done 300 days a year for a toddy yield of 315,000 liters/year,which is converted into 54 MT of coconut sugar/ha per year. The trees yield around 250 tender coconuts per tree / year and I have got approx. Mr. Karthick Gunabalan When Dwarf coconut is bred with fertile and well performing Tall coconut the resulting hybrid possess characters of both the parents .. 1.Earliness say 2 – 4 years flowering unlike 5 to 9 years waiting period in Pure tall varieties, 2.More kernel and copra and oil content that is the characters acquired from well performing Tall coconut varieties. VHC1 Coconut. Yield as of coconut tree is concerned. Let’s explore how to fertilize coconut palm trees. Annual production of seedlings - 30000-40000 nuts. Coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of the Philippines.According to figures published in December 2009 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it is the world's largest producer of coconuts, producing 19,500,000 tonnes in 2009. On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30. its again a tender coconut short... It’s a tall variety which is for coconut, tender coconut and copra, gives yield in 3.5 years with 60 years lifespan, give up to 320 nut per year. Cocos nucifera is a large palm, growing up to 30 m (100 ft) tall, with pinnate leaves 4–6 m (13–20 ft) long, and pinnae 60–90 cm (2–3 ft) long; old leaves break away cleanly, leaving the trunk smooth. Its annual yield is 87 nuts/palm, 16.38 kg copra/palm and 10.65 kg oil/palm. Each hybrid coconut tree produces six liters of toddy or coconut juice on the average. It comes to flowering by 54 months from planting. +91-99526 48311 Assuming that the coconut is planted in an ideal condition, the average nuts per tree could be 100 per tree though the farmers at Pollachi (TN< INDIA) have an average of 150 per tree while farmers at Kerala have only 50 - 60 per tree. Reach to the bearing stage with in 5-6 years. On an average it bears about 300 seedlings. Call us for Free Consulting: +91 99654 49862. In root (wilt) disease affected … Produces 250 t0 300 tender coconut and 200 to 250 coconuts per year. Ramganga yields around 330 tender coconuts per tree. Find here details of companies selling Coconut Plants, for your purchase requirements. The nuts which is used for growing the saplings are from 25 to 40 years old healthy plants. Mr. Vijayakumar said one coconut tree can yield up to 75 coconuts per year. It is a general purpose hybrid. Income from coconut 5 nuts per bunch, 12 bunches per year in 80 tree Total number of nuts in 1 acre: (80 x 5 x 12) = 4800 nuts Rate of 1 nut =Rs.4 Income from nut = (4800 x 4 = 19,200) 19,200 . In one year it produce 12 bunches @ one bunch per month..The expected yield of nuts per tree per year is 12 * 13 = 160 nuts / 12*20=240 nuts. It is suitable for growing … The size of the nuts looks similar the size of COD but green in color with slight yellow shade, after dehusking the nut weights 600 grams at an average it gives maximum of 45 nuts in a single branch when the maintenance is good. Feel free to ask any landscaping or gardening questions over the phone, or get in touch via our contact form below. The average life span of the plant is about 50-55 years. Its a high yielding hybrid. Ramganga is a high quality planting material suitable for modern coconut farming. Vaikundapathi, Pottayadi Post, So what makes this Hybrid special from others. The height of the plant will be about 50 – 60 feet. The lovely plant Coconut ( Cocus nucifera ) belongs to plant family “ Arecaceae” and being in use since 5 lac years . Income from Intercropping and coconut = 114000+19200 1,33,200 1. karthick@nanjilnursery.com, Nanjil Nursery How many coconut trees can be planted in an acre of land? These are notable points about coconut trees. What is the difference between Saplings in Packets and the one in ground? 25, the tall variety comes for Rs.15. Suitable for large scale plantations. Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, Certified variety with green sticker. Hybrid variety. Hybrid palms have 40 to 60% self-pollination character that … Are you tired of spending hours mowing your lawn every weekend? 3.More number of bunches and fruits per tree per year that is the characters acquired from dwarf varieties .. 4.Life period of coconut tree 40 to 50 years that is acquired from Tall coconut tree that lives upto 100 years ..whereas Pure dwarf varieties have only 25 to 30 years only .. 5.Hybrid can have 40 to 60 % self pollination that enhance individual tree yield upto 350 to 700 numbers. As the branches in the Ramganga is so dense, there is no need for bunch tying. Rs.18 per coconut in the market. The sweetest coconut water variety available in India. — Rajendran, Aliyar. The spadix ( spear like sheath approximately 1 M long ) will split and yellowish white inflorescence will emerge ..the inflorescence bears so many rachis ( branches ) and 0-3 female flowers will be placed at the base of each rachis and the male flowers that are small will be seen at the top of rachis ..so the button like female flowers will be seen at the bottom of the inflorescence and tiny male flowers at the top of the inflorescence.. HOW CROSS POLLINATION IS EFFECTED AND WHY YIELD IS LOWER IN INDIA ? Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can. It yields very early, flowering in two years, conservatively producing 250 mature nuts per palm per year (some farmers report far higher numbers). Macapuno Coconut. Ramganga yields around 330 tender coconuts per tree. While, better still, the MNF option increased coconut yield in year 1, year 2 and ensuing years (years 3 to 5) by 50 %, 100%, and 150 % respectively. In General the average yield of Tall coconut in India is 60 fruits / nuts per tree per year and it is in the range of 80 to 100 in some states and individual tree yield is noticed upto 240 fruits / nuts per year .. Yaazhpanam is SriLankan origin tall variety which is for coconut, tender coconut and copra, gives yield in 3.7 years, has a life of 75 years, can give 320 nuts per year from the 6th... COD Chavakad in Kerala is the homeland of COD, which is a short tender coconut variety which can give up to 300 ml of water and the yield starts in 3rd year with a life span of 40 years,... Malasian Green: This is the quickest yielding variety, sometimes it yields even in the 2nd year but averagely in 2.5 years, with a lifespan of 50 years. Traditional country tall variety which starts yield in 4.7 years with 75 years life span, gives up to 275 nuts per year. Throughout the year oil yield is a unique short variety coconut tree, which gives a yield up 75. 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