grazon extra mixing rates

Top up with water and continue agitation until the spray tank is full and while spraying. 0000053241 00000 n Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow two seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Grazon DS. Respirators may be required in some circumstances, since Grazon spray or vapor is dangerous to the lungs and respiratory tract. 0000004666 00000 n Grazon P+D $ 121.40. In Southern Australia it is the standard for volunteer lucerne removal prior to cereal cropping. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. 136 0 obj <> endobj Mixing Fill the spray tank half full with water and add required amount of GRAZON 90 mixing well. The amount of water will depend on how much water it takes to cover 1,000 sq ft thoroughly. 0000001720 00000 n 0000138389 00000 n trailer Shelf Life: Picloram P+D can last up to 3 to 5 years when stored in a cool, dry place. ... Dow Grazon Extra is a liquid formulation that is intended to be mixed with water; High volume handgun sprayers required to get best results on established woody weeds. It can cause damage to the lungs if swallowed and may cause pain and irritation on skin contact. Grazon Pro is not safe on clover. startxref Grazon Extra Herbicide is classified as a Group I Herbicide, with a mode of action where the weed cannot grow due to disruption of plant cell growth. Grazon Extra provides control of a wide range of environmental and noxious and herbaceous weeds with the combined formulation containing the three active constituents 30% Triclopyr, 10% Picloram and … )Z. 0000001598 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000003455 00000 n I am borrowing a 200 gal sprayer that I was told will spray 22 gallons an acre at 5 mph. Add to cart. 0000116856 00000 n Mixing Guide Smooth-barked mesquite and smooth-barked tallowtree stem spray, hardwood cut stump spray and yucca whorl spray Concentration Amount desired* Ingredient in spray solution 1 gal 5 gal 10 gal Remedy®** 15% 19 oz 3 qt 1.5 gal * To container or … The seller has not specified a postage method to United States. 0000053056 00000 n GrazonNext HL Herbicide is applied at 19-34 fl oz per acre (43,560 sq ft). 160 0 obj<>stream 0000003912 00000 n or allow spray drift or run-off to fall onto banks or bottoms of irrigation 0000000816 00000 n I’m looking to spray some Grazon Next on my pastures..Two questions 1. Active Ingredients: Clopyralid, Triclopyr. 0000125775 00000 n 2. Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow 2 seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Grazon™ Extra. Grazon Extra is primarily used for brushweed control plus difficult to control broadleaf weeds in fallow situations in northern Australia. Specimen Label Fo r control of broadleaf weeds and certain woody plants on rangeland, permanent grass pastures (including grasses grown for hay*), Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres and wildlife management areas in these sites. mix 67 mL of Grazon XC in 10 L of water). According to NuTurf Australia, Grazon is a hazardous chemical that acts as a skin, eye and respiratory irritant. GrazonNext HL Amount (In fluid oz) To Mix In 3 Gal Of Water With Various Application Rates Answer last updated on: 08/03/2017 Was this answer helpful to you? behaviour of Grazon Extra in the environment when used for weed control. 0000002183 00000 n 10414. For annual weeds in the seedling stage, add 2/3 ounce (1 1/3 tablespoons) of herbicide to 1 gallon of water. Maximum Use Rates: Total use of Grazon P+D must not exceed 4 quarts per acre per annual growing season. Benefits: Superior broadleaf weed control that provides better efficacy on more than 100 of the toughest weeds Especially tough on hard-to-kill perennials, including GrazonNext® HL herbicide is the new generation of superior broad-spectrum weed control. Mix Rate: Picloram P+D can be applied at up to 7.4 pints per acre. A copy of the label can be accessed here. 0000126143 00000 n Backpack applications to small areas: create a 0.67% solution of Grazon XC in water for weed and shrub control (e.g. Use the higher rate on plants that have been damaged by grazing stock or insects and on known difficult to kill blackberry. Handgun/Knapsack - 1 litre Grazon mies approximately 200lt of spray mix. High volume handgun sprayers required to get best results on established woody weeds. GRAZON EXTRA 300g/L TRICLOPYR 100g/L PICLORAM 8g/L AMINOPYRALID PRODUCT TO USE - 500ml - 100ml - 10 grams - Mix the above three Chemicals with 100 litres of WATER 250ml per 100 litres of WATER 320ml per WATER 500mls per 100 litres of WATER Add a surfactant to mixture to help with the application to the foliage RATE FOLIAR SPRAY LIQUID IS For more specific application rates please refer to the label. PCS Number: 05182. 0000002628 00000 n Use the higher rate on plants that have been damaged by grazing stock or insects or on blackberries that are known to be difficult to kill. Mixing Rates and Coverage. We recommend avoiding spraying if rain is forecast as this may hamper the products effectiveness. All States Use the higher rate on plants which have been damaged by grazing stock or insects and on known difficult to kill blackberry. <<5F9B36781BA2234F97FE5BA270444F29>]>> Users should wear appropriate PPE when mixing and applying Grazon ® Pro: face shield, gloves, coveralls and rubber boots; Apply at the rate stated on the label – for Grazon ® Pro this is 60 ml in 10 L water; Apply chemical to a dry foliage area, avoid applications to disease or pest ridden targets as this will affect the efficacy of the spray Tips and hints to help you get results like the professionals, The best products to prevent weeds from coming back for up to 12 months, The best products to get rid of existing weeds, Information and resources to help you get the best results, Holdfast Organosilicone Penetrant & Wetting Agent, Highly Efficient red vegetation marking dye, Control Existing Weeds and prevent new weeds for up to 12 months, Control Various Woody Weeds (eg Blackberry), Good option for controlling mixed stands of woody and broadleaf weeds, Dow Grazon Extra is a liquid formulation that is intended to be mixed with water. �� It's important to ensure you read the label before undertaking any spray application. And one application provides season-long control. Repeat treatments may be applied as necessary, but total use must not exceed 4 quarts per acre per annual growing season. 0000002941 00000 n Yield: Do not exceed more than 7.4 quarts per acre per year. For most weeds the rate of Grazon Extra to apply is between 350 and 500 mL per 100 litres of water. Users can minimize the dangers of applying Grazon herbicide by washing their hands immediately after using it and wearing protective clothing, such as goggles and gloves. Without knowing the specific weeds you are targeting, we are unable to give an exact mix rate. For all applications, coverage of the targeted foliage is very important. All States 350mL or 500mL 500 mL 250 mL 350 mL SOOmL 150mL 350 mL Apply from late spring to early autumn. Grazon should be applied from April - October in good growing conditions to a dry leaf. 0 Package Sizes Available Online: 2.5 gallons. �1}馵rK�B#^QX:rO�8� %PDF-1.6 %���� Knapsack and 12 volt sprayer packs are only recommended for the control of herbaceous weed such as capeweed and spear thistle and woody weeds that are not regrowth less than 60cm in height or 60cm diameter. Spot treatment for docks, thistles and nettles. 0000002080 00000 n Excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations, commercial quantities and MarketLink products. Handgun/Knapsack - 1 litre Grazon mies approximately 200lt of spray mix. Offers flexible rates (1.2 to 2.1 pints/acre), depending on target weeds Safe to desirable grasses, including bahiagrass, bermudagrass, fescue, orchard and mixed native grasses Excellent tank-mix partner with brush control products, such as Remedy® Ultra or PastureGard® HL herbicides for one-pass weed and brush control … Grazon Pro is highly cost effective with an average of 16 knapsack(10lt) fills per litre of product. 0000004616 00000 n Rate selection is simple. 0000125752 00000 n 136 25 Grazon Extra Herbicide controls a broad range of noxious woody, environmental and herbaceous weeds as detailed in the product label. For MOST handgun & backpack applications, these rates apply : 2 qt/acre= 1.28 oz x # of gallons water = oz of herbicide for mixture The rate range for GrazonNext HL Herbicide is 1.2 to 1.5 pints (19 to 24 fluid oz) product per acre. *Hay from grass tr eceding 18-months can only be used on the farm or ranch where the product is applied unless allowed by supplemental labeling xref Am I understanding correctly that I need between 3 and 5 oz per 3 gallons of water? Application & Coverage using a high volume handgun For other quantity options or questions, please contact your local Red River Specialties Sales Rep or email Add BS-1 000 or an alternative (see compatibility section} at 125 mU100 L of water for best results. • ®Apply GrazonNext HL at a rate of 2 – 2.1 pt/A or Chaparral™ at a rate of 2 – 3.3 oz/A • Include a dye to alert all users to the presence of the herbicide • Apply at least 200 pounds of fertilizer per acre • Apply when weed species are young, 4-6 inches tall in most cases. Go with 1.5, 2 or 2.1 pints per acre for most weed complexes. Amount of Grazon? Where you find a competitor's lower price on the same stocked item, we'll beat it by 10 %. To ensure no areas are missed or over dosed, we recommend mixing in Blue Dye which will temporarily colour the area you have sprayed blue. Mixing Rate To control blackberry using either Grazon* Extra or Gusto herbicides, mix the chosen herbicide at rates of 350 or 500mL per 100L of water. 0000060734 00000 n Grazon Pro is one of very few products with a label which fully endorses the use via handheld application equipment. Packaging: 2.5 gal 30 gal bulk. 0000054417 00000 n Blue heliotrope Flowering 500 mL Apply in a minimum spray volume of 1250 L/ha. 0000004312 00000 n To treat them, mix 6.5 ounces (13 tablespoons) to 1 gallon of water. Guide only.Always refer to the product label to determine suitability and rate applicable to your situation. Offers flexible rates (1.2 to 2.1 pints/acre), depending on target weeds Safe to desirable grasses, including bahiagrass, bermudagrass, fescue, orchard and mixed native grasses Excellent tank-mix partner with brush control products, such as Remedy Ultra or PastureGard HL herbicides for one-pass weed and brush control 0000058805 00000 n Grazon P+D quantity. 0000001677 00000 n Detailed information on rates of application and directions for use are set out on the product label. Grazon Pro 1L MAPP 15785 Active Ingredients: 240 g/litre triclopyr (acid equivalent) present as 334 g/litre of triclopyr butotyl and 60 g/litre (5.5% w/w) clopyralid. 0000001460 00000 n Shop with confidence with our 30 day no hassle return policy*, 1 Litre GUSTO woody weed herbicide (similar to Grazon) - Try our brand and save, 2.5 Litre GUSTO woody weed herbicide (similar to Grazon) - Try our brand and save, 5 Litre GUSTO woody weed herbicide (similar to Grazon) - Try our brand and save. Always check the label for the correct rate. The timing of the application of GRAZON 90 herbicide is crucial. For use in grassland such as paddocks. ]�9���r����p���|X��Y��� gE�I�[|nט'�/4uY�w�z�LKo�;WY� ��'�?�l��$���%���`�u�'�� a�R��C��˨L�̢'�3�M2��f���ɑ�ҀI+�a�hޏ���scj��s=(X ����2e�iH����%�H�����_m��K�WsT�0��]����F�IkX����ҽ�:�ؼ�6����x�1�'Ex���Ð�85h���Z�k��؉�Mw���nl���� �^����/�z��(�M�e{����9Yd���(��Q�g�J~\I����V�!����pF :{#mz���&Y,#�N�E��'�����M��k���ԙ�l���PE��C��k�T�C! For good results the product must be applied to actively growing weeds. Mix to calibrated rate of gallons per acre output of spray unit being used. The addition of aminopyralid in Grazon Extra provided greater control of blackberry compared to Grazon DS at both an equivalent rate of 500 mL/100 L water and even at 350 mL/100 L water. %%EOF I’d like to mix some triclopyr for woodies on some other areas with Grazon. When applying Grazon Extra as a foliar spray, unsure you get and … Postage and handling. 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